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Imlie July 2024 Teasers



Imlie July 2024 Teasers: In the gripping saga of “Imlie,” airing on Star Life, the unfolding drama reaches new heights as familial ties and hidden agendas intertwine.

Imlie July 2024 Teasers

From Monday, 1 July 2024, through Wednesday, 31 July 2024, the episodes promise a rollercoaster of emotions, with Agastya’s quest for justice and Imlie’s unwavering courage at the forefront.

Each episode reveals shocking secrets, dramatic confrontations, and heart-stopping moments that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Imlie July 2024 Teasers Details

ChannelStar Life
July Episode1051 – 1081
Latest releaseJuly 2024

Imlie July 2024 Teasers

Monday 1 July 2024

Episode 1051

Agastya tells Annapurna he regained ownership of the Chaudhary house from Vishwa’s family. He plans Imlie and Vishwa’s wedding.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Episode 1052

Vishwa refuses Agastya’s Shagun, so Agastya vows revenge. He asks Imlie to sing at the ceremony.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Episode 1053

The Chaudharys are shocked by Chutki and Avinash’s abduction. Imlie resolves to risk her life to save them.


Thursday 4 July 2024

Episode 1054

Agastya catches Vishwa spying on Imlie and learns the truth. He tries to seize Vishwa’s spying device.

Friday 5 July 2024

Episode 1055

Vishwa confronts Agastya about his conversation with Imlie. Agastya admits spying on her, leading Vishwa to accuse Imlie of being the masked killer.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Episode 1056

During a fight, Vishwa disarms the masked killer while Imlie holds them at gunpoint. Vishwa manages to photograph the assailant.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Episode 1057

Imlie spies on Vishwa and finds evidence proving Agastya’s innocence. Later, Navya overhears Imlie asking Agastya for help to leave the house.


Monday 8 July 2024

Episode 1058

Vishwa accuses Agastya of murder and demands proof, but Imlie refuses to believe it. Agastya challenges Vishwa to flee with Imlie from the venue.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Episode 1059

Agastya escapes with Imlie to a deserted place. They celebrate sowing doubt in Vishwa’s mind about Agastya.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Episode 1060

Imlie records Vishwa’s confession on her phone and exposes the truth to the police. Vishwa admits defeat but vows revenge before leaving.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Episode 1061

Vishwa threatens to ruin Imlie’s life when she exposes Navya’s manipulation. Later, Agastya demands his reward from Imlie for winning their bet.


Friday 12 July 2024

Episode 1062

Imlie risks her life to protect Agastya from a car but fails to save the witness. Agastya accuses Vishwa of murder.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Episode 1063

In anger, Vishwa attacks Imlie and Agastya but stops before harming Imlie. He later surrenders to the police, vowing revenge.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Episode 1064

Imlie visits the police station where Vishwa reunites her with Radha’s foster mother. Imlie brings Radha home and learns she is Agastya’s mother.

Monday 15 July 2024

Episode 1065

Agastya introduces Meera into the house, hiding her identity from the Chaudharys. Meera begs Imlie not to reveal her identity.


Tuesday 16 July 2024

Episode 1066

Agastya’s world crumbles as Meera’s true identity is revealed. Imlie and Meera face a terrifying encounter with the masked man.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Episode 1067

Imlie bravely confronts the masked attacker to protect Meera and herself. When the Chaudharys refuse to shelter Meera, Imlie makes a firm decision.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Episode 1068

As Agasthya spends the night in his car, the Chaudharys worry about him. Meanwhile, Imlie sets out to find and bring him home.

Friday 19 July 2024

Episode 1069

When Alka insults Imlie for allowing Meera into the kitchen, Agasthya and Annapurna defend her. Later, Imlie boldly proposes to Agasthya.


Saturday 20 July 2024

Episode 1070

Sonali questions Meera about the locket matching the masked killer’s. Burdened with guilt, Meera writes a confession to Imlie and surrenders to the police.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Episode 1071

Agastya opens up to Imlie, expressing his wish to marry her and be her family. However, Sonali warns Agastya against revealing the truth to Imlie.

Monday 22 July 2024

Episode 1072

While the Chaudharys are at the fair, the masked killer sneaks into the house for the locket. During the encounter, the assailant attacks Imlie.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Episode 1073

The masked killer injures Agastya and traps him with Imlie. Despite Agastya’s pleas, Imlie sacrifices herself to save him.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Episode 1074

Vishwa tells Agastya someone in his house helped the killer. Together, they strive to uncover the truth.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Episode 1075

Imlie escapes Vishwa’s captivity. Agastya assures her of rescue, but Vishwa finds her before Agastya can.

Friday 26 July 2024

Episode 1076

Navya learns Dhanraj, Agastya’s brother, was married to Imlie’s sister Kairi. Meanwhile, Agastya frees Imlie from Vishwa and brings her home.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Episode 1077

Agastya supports Imlie, promising to shield her from disgrace. Meanwhile, Navya plots another scheme against Imlie.


Sunday 28 July 2024

Episode 1078

Vishwa confronts Ashu with a photo of his parents for his own agenda. Agastya brings Ashu to the Chaudhary house.

Monday 29 July 2024

Episode 1079

Imlie gets emotional as Agastya brings Ashu home for the wedding. Ashu learns the truth about his father and tells Bulbul.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Episode 1080

Annapurna learns about Imlie and interrupts the wedding to ask about Kairi. Vishwa manipulates the Chaudharys against Imlie with a false story.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Episode 1081

Annapurna plans an accident to blame Imlie and stop Agastya from marrying her. Under Annapurna’s influence, Agastya asks Imlie to leave the house.


Premiere episodes of Imlie air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 20h30.


Imlie July 2024 Teasers: As the month of July draws to a close, “Imlie” leaves its audience eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this enthralling tale. The intense drama, intricate plots, and dynamic characters continue to captivate viewers, promising more suspense and excitement in the episodes to come.

Tune in to Star Life every night at 20h30 to follow the extraordinary journey of Imlie and the Chaudhary family, where every revelation leads to new twists and turns in their compelling story.

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